Start your AI journey in 5 days, guaranteed*

Powered by a multidisciplinary team of 40+ creatives and engineers, Odyssey is your implementation partner, building custom pre-trained models, empowering data science teams, and integrating AI into pioneering creative and product experiences.

AI readiness Assessment

*Start your AI journey with baseline AI deployment and future roadmap planning in just five days guaranteed.

Business Acceleration
We predict that over 80% of businesses will leverage AI in the next 3 years to accelerate their businesses solutions. We are focused on unlocking the benefits of AI for your business, through cost effective, high impact solutions, all in days, not never.
Turnkey Solutions
Implementing new technology and thinking can come with complexity. Many businesses are facing new challenges in areas of design, tech, customer engagement, law, operations, workflows and culture. Odyssey brings real solutions to all of these problems, which ultimately leads to better outcomes.
Transformative Partner
AI will have real change in ways many won’t expect. Businesses will need to become more responsive and ultimately transform to leverage the opportunity of AI. The Odyssey team will become a true partner in your businesses ability to adopt this transformation.

The AI business
revolution has begun...


Increased worker productivity


Increase in automation


Increase in Fuel
sales and customer satisfaction

...have you started your journey?


ai in days never 

Your involvement
finishes here
days 1-4
day 5
Future roadmap

Delivered by industry leading product, AI and business minds

AI Architects
AI Scientists
AI Engineers
Data/Cloud Engineers
Marketing Specialists
Operation Managers

Meet your industry experts

Driven by a team of world-leading experts, Odyssey helps businesses accelerate innovation and deploy AI in days, not years, guaranteed.

AI readiness Assessment

Our partners
& technologies

For over a decade, Odyssey has been exploring how AI can solve complex challenges, unleash creativity and increase productivity for businesses across the globe.

ai success stories

“The numbers speak for themselves. We’re seeing a 50% resolution rate with (our Chatbot) Fin, which is pretty amazing”

“AI copilot helps us create and iterate 10x faster than before.”

get started

Get started on your AI journey by completing our free AI readiness assessment.

find out your ai readiness